
Please contact us directly if you would like to become a sponsor of The Mother Exhibition.

Our talents emerge at the highest level when we trust and engage in uncertainty as our path to progress rather than a barrier to entry.

Sponsor Package

There is wide consensus as to the importance of creative, collaborative, and compassionate lead- ers and teams. The ability for your business to innovate and thrive during these uncertain times depends on the strength of the relationships within your organizational community. The strength of your organization depends on the complex relationships of individuals as they interconnect inside and outside of your business.

As local and global needs become more unpredictable, so do increasing demands to innovate in order to stay salient and relevant. There is untapped creative and connective potential within your community that is critical to access so that your business can be responsive on the leading edge of change.

The Mother Immersive Exhibit is designed to enhance relational awareness, stimulate and support creative problem solving, and build strong communities that learn from the power of the diverse relationships between human and nature. The art and process of the Mother Exhibit is a novel and innovative experience that is important to the future of your business and life in general.

Levels of Sponsorship:

Tier 1: $10,000

Acknowledgement in physical space as well as printed / digital material.
Limited edition artist book with your business featured inside

Tier 2: $25,000

Tier 1 Assets
Custom Designed Company Culture + Team Building Workshop Event
at your place of business

Tier 3: $50,000

Tier 2 Assets
Custom Designed Company Culture + Team Building Workshop Series
(4 quarterly sessions)

Tier 4: $75,000

Tier 3 Assets
Creative Consulting and Executive Coaching with leadership team

Tier 5: $100,000+ 4 limited Elemental Sponsorships

Tier 4 Assets
Title sponsorship of one of the elemental anchor installations of
Art sculpture from the Mother Exhibit designed by Lead Artist
Sharon DaMattia including custom installation